joi, 5 ianuarie 2012

Provocare - Week 1

Prima saptamana a trecut cu bine. Ba chiar a mers struna: 

I. Treaba cu aruncatul lucrurilor de care nu ma folosesc niciodata e foarte ...eliberatoare, as putea spune. Asa mi-am facut ordine printre lacurile de unghii si alte cosmetice, in sertarul cu de toate - nasturi, cutiute de bijuterii goale, facturi antice, ate, panglici si alte minunatii pe care nici macar nu stiam ca le am. Mi-am dat seama ca amandoi avem un dar unic si oripilant de a pune in sertarul cu pricina toate tampeniile al caror loc e la gunoi. 

Simt fiecare zi ca pe o aventura in Tara Clutteristilor Convinsi. (me & Serge). In fiecare zi ma mananca degetele sa scotocesc prin alte cotloane si sa scot la iveala adevarate relicve, demne de cosul de gunoi. 


6. Am reluat lectura cartii "The Secret" si am grija sa citesc cateva pagini dis-de-dimineata. 

III. Acum vreo cateva luni incepusem sa citesc "The Mastery of Love, A Wisdom Book" de Don Miguel Ruiz. Aflasem de autor dintr-un interview mai vechi cu Gisele Bundchen in Vanity Fair. Este tot un inspirational book. Iata niste citate:

  • "We are masters because we have the power to create and to rule our own lives"
  • "You are the way you are because that is what you believe about yourself"
  • "The real us is pure love; we are Life"
  • "What we call education is nothing but domestication of the human being"
  • "Humans pretend to be something very important, but at the same time we believe we are nothing"
  • "We learn to be right and to make everyone else wrong. The need to be "right" is the result of trying to protects the image we want to project to the outside. We have to impose our way of thinking, not just onto other humans, but even upon ourselves."
  • "Life brings you exactly what you need"
  • "Happiness never comes from outside of us"
  • "Your whole life is nothing but a dream. You live in a fantasy where everything you know about yourself is only true for you. Your truth is not the truth for anyone else."
  • "Love has no resistance. whatever we do is because we want to do it"
  • "Selfishness comes from poverty in the heart, from the belief that love is not abundant"
  • "Your reactions are the key to having a wonderful life"
  • "You are responsible for the consequences of whatever you do, think, say, and feel."
  • "Life doesn't need to be justified or judged"
  • "Life is not the body; it is not the mind; it is not the sould. It is a force"
  • "You are what you believe you are"
  • "Forgiveness is an act of self-love"
  • "You cannot be happy if you don't love yourself"
  • "You are alive because of the power of God, which is the power of Life"
  • "Whatever we believe rules our existence, rules our life"
Sunt foarte multe idei pe care le-am intalnit si in The Secret. 

In fiecare zi ii citesc lui Aidan o poveste din cartea Biei "Lectia de multumire"

In rest, daca va intrebati cum mi-a iesit tarta de pere...baietii au spus ca a fost delicioasa. 
Aveti reteta aici.

Va pup si va doresc much love and happiness!!!! 

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