vineri, 5 septembrie 2008


25th of August - Last bank holiday in 2008...a belated birthday present from my boyfriend...a trip to Italy, Verona. lovely city, lovely sun that we so much miss in London...lovely friends...and lovely relatives.

but for some strange and beautiful reason...London feels more home than this beautiful country where my ancestor came from. Now don't get me wrong...I love Latin people, I love their relaxed, nonchalant way of being...I love their food and their lunch break routine, but I don't think I could live there.

In a country where the weather is perfect, the language is so sweet and the food is amazing...there is something missing...or rather there is something too much in your face. you couldn't ignore it even if you stick your head in the groud: prejudice.

Now I know how it sounds..with me being Romanian and all that...but it actually felt like home, also becuase of this prejudice. far from me the tought of patronizing, but the feeling of not being good enough just because you're a this case, even worse...Romanian....stays with you while you roam the streets of Verona.

we were told that the North is like that, conservative, somehow distant and condescendent. certainly there are loads of tourists, but the ease of being that you find in london is nowhere to be seen.

so strange...for such a warm and loud people.

Pizza and ice cream were fantastic, though ...

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