miercuri, 1 octombrie 2008


you want to always be safe... reality check: there is no such thing...

you want to be always funny and witty and cool and cool again...but how do you do it? you want to be peaceful and happy and worry free...the more you struggle, the more you are the opposite.

Fear is the slow and painful death of the joy of living, of the belief that you are the best thing that ever happened to you. we fear nobody loves us, we fear we are being lied to, we fear our rating is falling and we won't be somebody's favourite friend. we fear we will not be considered interesting, beautiful, intelligent, lovable.

in a world where everything is moving fast, where people come and go...how do you keep your cool? how do you keep your friends? ...how do you deal with fear? how do you ignore it? meditation, self confidence workshops? has anybody ever written a book about how to ignore your fear of not being?

why are we always so unhappy with ourselves? why do we think that the person next to us is better just because their hair is black and long or curly and blond? we go through great lenghts to please just because we fear ending up alone and lonely...and it's sad because we are beautiful creatures, each in our own way. but we get bored with ourselves and with eachother. and we move to the next one thinking that they have something better to offer. We are using ourselves over and over again without even realising we are One, the same flow of energy in different forms.

We cheat on our girlfriends and boyfriends, but we actually cheat on ourselves. we think we're bored and that we need new excitements in our lives, just because what we had until now is not good enough for us. we want a new car, even though we have a perfectly good one. we throw out clothes, shoes, movies, we throw out our old lives just because we got bored with it. we dessert firends, we move places looking forward to the next thrill. a superficial world where attachment and love are overrated.

Un comentariu:

  1. I see your uncertainty at why are people and relations the way they are. And I see mine as well :). But ignoring these feelings can only make them stronger and overwhelming. Boredom and the need for new thrills is only natural, actually knowing/ not knowing where to look for them(like the right place) is what gets us in trouble. Life without thrills and excitements would be dull and quite hard to deal with. And things, like material stuff, can only make one happy for so long. Self acknowledgment and new experiences can be a source of continuous joy (and bit of the opposite as well :). And it costs bit less as well....Probably. I'll be looking forward to a immaterial world - then we won't have so many distractions
